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Actions taken by elected Loudon County Commissioners at Aug. 6th meeting. 


What’s wrong with this county’s priorities when elected county commissioners vote to spend over $200,000 for new county offices and approve agreements with another county to care of their stray animals, while commissioners vote NO to purchasing educational facilities (trailers) to house county children, see below, Children Pawns in Political Turf War.


Commissioners unanimously approve over $200,000 for county building renovations, Mayor to get new offices. More funds approved for new county IT department.

Loudon County Commission voted unanimously to approve more public funds for new Loudon County IT (internet technology dept.) IT expense $15,170

IT Audio
     IT  person


Loudon County Commissioners also voted unanimously to approve renovations to the county office building, $187,400 building renovations and $22,000 furniture/furnishings.

County Office Building (COG) Audio            Renovations


“Consideration of recommendation to approve amendments in the following

funds: a. 101 County General Fund; b. 171 General Capital Projects, (This amendment includes renovations to County Office Building & GIS Cubicles)”          Pictures


Stray Animal Fair better, Agreement with Blount County Extended.

“Consideration of recommendation to renew agreement with Blount County to provide temporary sheltering of animals from Blount County Animal

Control for a period of six months. (Includes budget amendment in fund 101) Audio


Children Pawns in Political Turf War –

Loudon County cooperates with Blount County over care of dogs and cats while they quibble about children’s education. 

Loudon County Commissioners vote NO on cottages (trailers) for county school children (7 no, 2 yes). “Consideration of recommendation to issue $528,277 capital outlay note for the purchase of ten (10) modular educational units as requested by the Board of Education.”  


Audio               Pictures, Commissioners,


Ed Headlee, School Director


This is how your commissioners voted on this matter: 7 No votes (Commissioners Chris Park, Wayne Gardin, Nancy Marcus, Earlena Maples, Shirley Reno, Bob Franke, Roy Bledsoe). 2 Yes votes (Commissioner David Meers, Harold Duff)