Total Disaster 15
300 More Apartments

It appears Lenoir City officials are about to take over development to a whole new, insane level.

At last weeks Lenoir City Planning meeting, the commission voted unanimously to approve and recommend to the city council the rezone of the 13.48 beside Food City to R-3 high density residential. The proposal is for 300 more apartments. According to the developer, the apartments will house 542 people and the average rent will be $1,475.00 per month. The apartments will range from 560 sq ft to 1,384 sq ft. 5.68 acres of the property will remain commercial.

The 30 page prospectus presented by the developer at the meeting, goes into great detail about how great this development will be for the city. It gives crazy numbers about how much money the apartments will bring into the city. Missing in the developers presentation is any mention how the apartment complex will impact the city and county school system. Or how it will impact traffic and all other governmental services for the city and county.

The document also describes the construction of the apartments as using high quality vinyl and missionary like materials. That means vinyl and stucco.  

Councilman Eddie Simpson, who also serves on the city planning commission said he feels this apartment complex will be great for the city. 

The council supported by Mayor Aikens, have already approver over 2,000 apartments/rentals in the city in just the last couple of years.

What should people do when elected officials who have taken an oath and sworn to protect and servr their community are actually the ones destroying their community?

If the council and mayor follow through with this proposal, come November 2024 election, they should all be voted out of office. This is the pinnacle of irresponsibility by elected officials.

Below is a link to the 30 page prospectus.     

Click Here For Prospectus
