WATeR protects the watershed while building trails
TELLICO VILLAGE, Tenn. (WATE) – The Watershed Association of the Tellico Reservoir protects our waterways while building and maintaining trails throughout the community.

WATeR is an organization that takes it upon themselves to protect the natural beauty of Tellico Village and beyond, WATeR stands for the Watershed Association of the Tellico Reservoir. There are two primary branches to the WATeR organization, one that focuses on monitoring and maintaining the water quality of the Tellico Reservoir, reporting their findings to the government and local land owners to affect policy change.

The other side of WATeR is their hiking trailblazers that create and maintain trails throughout Tellico Village. As the state of the Tellico Reservoir and the surrounding land go hand-in-hand, WATeR sees it as their responsibility to maintain the area around the lake. With hundreds of dedicated members, the crucial work that WATeR does benefits not only Tellico Village but all of the interconnected watersheds throughout East Tennessee.

For more information visit the WATeR website.
