Voter Complaint

Some times you see things that just make you scratch your head.

Below is an email that was sent to county mayor, Buddy Bradshaw, on election day titled, Formally protest use of churches for voting

Again, I was forced to go to a church to vote. It was full of religious propaganda and overt symbols. The atheists that live here formally protest and request we be allowed to vote at a secular venue. There were many secular options, firehouse, library, schools, Yacht Club, Wellness Center, etc. I was not allowed to vote at the Tellico Rec Center. Sending this protest to TN state reps as well. Thank you.

Joanna Hannigan, aggrieved citizen

Ms. Hannigan lives in Tellico Village and on election day, her precinct for voting was at the Tellico Village Community Church. Contrary to Ms. Hannigan's statement, she was not forced to vote at the church. Ms. Hannigan had two weeks she could have voted early at the election commission office or Roane State Community College or two full days she could have voted at the Village Rec Center. Obviously, Ms. Hannigan chose not to take advantage of any of these options that would have allowed her not to vote in a church. Seems her desire to complain is greater than her atheist beliefs.

Here's what I've never understood about atheists. If they don't believe in God or Jesus or any religion, then why are they so bothered "religious propaganda and overt symbols"? If it's all just made up and fairy tails, why does anything religious bother them at all?

I think the truth of the matter is, when an atheist sees "religious propaganda and overt symbols" of anything Christian, it burns their very souls. Kind of the way the cross or holy water burns a vampire.

They are among us.     
