Vote For Cook

I've had a number of inquires about a candidate in the November election, "Elijah Cook For County Assistant Manager".

Here's the problem, there is no such office as Loudon County Assistant Manager. Apparently, this is a prank by Mr. Cook and some of his friends, who will remain nameless at this time. There's even a facebook page. It's kind of fun to read through.

Just the fact that so many folks have asked about thas campaign doesn't bode well for local election understanding.

After reading his platform, if this was real, I'd have to vote for him. He wants to do something about the bicycles on our roads and bring restaurants to Loudon. And I really like his campaign slogans too. Maybe we should have the position of Loudon County Assistant manager.

"I am running on the promise to make a difference that's different"


"Sometimes The Best Experience Is NO Experience"

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