My name is Eddie Simpson and I am a candidate for Loudon County Road Superintendent.  My wife of 40 years is Carrie Simpson.  We have one daughter, Stacie S. Ruth who is married to our son-in-law Brian Ruth.  We also have one handsome grandson Blaine, 7 years old. 

I am a life- long resident of Loudon County born in Loudon and raised in the West Hills area with my parents Clifford and Delsa Simpson.  I attended Lenoir City High School and worked for Loudon County from 1973 – 1977 as Maintenance Supervisor and was awarded a National Achievement Award for organization of that department.  In 1977 I moved my workplace to Lenoir City Schools and worked fifteen years.  (as maintenance supervisor, purchasing agent and bus coordinator).

I am co-owner of several businesses in Loudon County for 30 years.  I am pleased to have served as a Councilman for 10 years in Lenoir City and am excited about giving back to our community county wide. I have been blessed in so many ways, including from the people of our city and county.

My qualifications are superb:

Ø  Licensed contractor for 20 years

Ø  Built roads for (2) new  schools (clerk of works) including extending and widening Harrison Lane

Ø  Built all roads in Little Mountain Vista Subdivision

Ø  Built all roads in Executive Meadows Subdivision

Ø  Built roads in Emeral Court

Ø  Built roads off Happy Hollow Road, called Green Meadows Lane

Ø  I am currently Chairman of the Lenoir City Transportation Committee

Ø  I am currently on the Lenoir City Planning Commission & BZA

Ø  I have previously served on the Loudon County Planning Commission

Ø  I am currently Vice-Chairman of the Lenoir City Purchasing

Ø  I am currently a member of L.C.E.D.A, past Vice-Chairman

Ø  I am currently a member of the Lenoir City Budget Committee with a (8) million dollar budget.

If elected I pledge to be honest, hard-working, with an open door policy about concerns of our roads.  I will improve our roads with less maintenance cost to our future tax payers.  Being a people person is one of my given traits.

One way to move up:  Elect Eddie Simpson

Your vote and influence is greatly appreciated.