More Tax Breaks

While the Lenoir City mayor/council have been on a taxing rampage of the residents, property owners, businesses, schools, nonprofits and churches, it's good to know they are happy to hand out huge tax breaks to certain entities.

At their last city council meeting, at mayor Aikens' recommendation, the council, all of them, voted for a seven year property tax break for the new brewery, tavern, beer joint, whatever you want to call it.

The tax break comes in the form of a PILOT, Payment In Lieu Of Taxes. This is a legal process whereby, local governments are able to pass out big tax breaks to those businesses or developments who the  mayor/council deem worthy of the special breaks. Not sure how the  mayor/council decides who gets the tax breaks. But one things for sure, every time they pass out the tax breaks, every other property owner in the city has to make up the difference. Essentially, every other tax payer has to subsidies the special interests.

It's called corporate welfare. But apparently, that's exactly what city officials like to hand out while bleeding the rest of the tax payers dry.

As long as things stay the same, things will stay the same. 
