Jail Addition Update

After so many years of talk, talk, talk, county commission is making it happen. The problems at the jail, officer safety, overcrowding and inmate classification are job one for the new addition.

The new jail addition is a reality and the process is underway. Commission has hired MBI Architect to design the new addition and approved borrowing up to fifteen million dollars for the project.

Fifteen million dollars is a lot of money especially when being spent to house inmates, but unfortunately a necessary evil in this day and age. However, the fifteen million debt will not require any tax increases of any kind nor will it impact the general operating budget. The money needed to meet the debt will come entirely from existing revenues. As everybody in government is so fond of saying, it's a win, win all the way around.

Completion date for the new addition is September 2019. We all kind of hope it might be earlier.
