It Gets Worse

Last week we learned that some property owners in the Rockingham subdivision were concerned how the new LCUB industrial complex might impact their lives and properties. Unfortunately, their problems may be worse than they know.

As you can see from the map above, the LCUB property directly adjoins Rockingham and directly borders at least eight individual lots and some common ground of the home owners association. Also note on the map that a new access road to the LCUB property from Hwy. 70 is also being proposed. Proposed road shown on map is approximate.

You see, the developer, city officials and LCUB officials felt it wouldn't be good for the Creekwood development for all the large LCUB trucks, delivery trucks and tractor trailers to be coming in and out all hours of the night and day on the main road in the development. So they decided to build a private access road from highway 70 into the LCUB property. Of course that new road will run right along the back yards of the folks in Rockingham. 

It would be hard to see how the new LCUB complex could do anything but hurt the property values and home sales in the Rockingham subdivision but you've got to know those who came up with this big plan probably never even gave it a thought.

I'm thinking the old Yale building is looking better and better all the time.
