If I were President of the United States, leader of the free world and Commander In Chief of the most powerful military in the history of the world, this is what I would say and do.

No nation on the face of the earth desires peace, freedom, prosperity and harmony in the world more than the United States of America. No people on the face of the earth desires peace, freedom, prosperity and harmony in the world more than the American people. No people in the history of the world have made a greater blood sacrifice to preserve peace, freedom, prosperity and harmony in the world than the American people.

However, when stirred to anger and the need to defend this great nation and it's people from any threat, no nation in the history of mankind has ever had a greater capability to defend it's people.

Thus to those who would threaten this great nation. North Korea, you have twenty-four hours to dismantle all weapons that could be brought to bare against America. Iran you also have twenty-four hours to cease all activities in developing weapons that could be brought to bare against America. To those countries and terrorist who would highjack a religion to justify the slaughter of thousands of Americans, you have twenty-four hours to surrender all your leaders and weapons. And to any other country, group or individual who seeks to harm our people, heed this warning.

If all our demands are not met in twenty-four hours, this country on the shoulders of our great military will systematically and utterly annihilate your country, your government and your people from the face of the earth. We will return your lands to the stone age where you will never be a threat to us or any other peoples of the world again. We have this capability and we will use it to preserve the sanctity and sovereignty of this great nation.

We do not seek nor do we wish to take this action, but we will no longer live under the constant threat of those who wish to do us harm. The decision is yours. You have twenty-four hours and the clock starts now.

This is what I would say and do if I were the President of the United States of America.
