Here We Go

You remember back in the seventies when the movement to make homosexuality main stream and acceptable really got underway? You remember many claimed that once we started down the road of normalizing immoral behavior it would be the preverbal slippery slope? That once you blur the line between right and wrong there would be no place to stop? Well here we go.

A couple days ago, in The Guardian, a British national daily newspaper published an article, Paedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires to Light. The article essentially begins to lay the groundwork to make child sex abuse more mainstream even calling for it to be referred to "as a distinct sexual orientation" and would be better referred to as "minor-attracted persons".

This was exactly the approach used to bring homosexuality out of the shadows into mainstream of life. It appears those bent on the destruction of everything moral now intend to do the same with child sex abuse.

You think it can't happen? Many laughed when the homosexuals began their climb out of the closet and look how that turned out. We may very well see, in our lifetimes, the normalization of adults having sexual relations with children. 

Below is a link the the Guardian News article. Just below is a short summery of the article by Joe Carter. Carter is an editor for The Gospel Coalition web site.

And yes, least anyone misunderstand me, I do feel
paedophilia, homosexuality, gay marriage, civil unions and such are all equally wrong and are only devices to destroy the family structure. 

This is scary stuff but it's coming.

Paedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires to Light

60 Second Summary: Paedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires to Light

Articles you need to know about, summarized in 60 seconds (or less).

The Article: Paedophilia: Bringing Dark Desires to Light

The Source: The Guardian

The Author: Jon Henley

The Gist: Academic and psychological experts disagree about what causes pedophilia, how much harm it causes, and whether it should be more tolerated by society.

The Excerpt:

There is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality. Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia "is a sexual orientation" and therefore "unlikely to change".

Even now there is no academic consensus on that fundamental question - as Goode found. Some academics do not dispute the view of Tom O'Carroll, a former chairman of PIE and tireless paedophilia advocate with a conviction for distributing indecent photographs of children following a sting operation, that society's outrage at paedophilic relationships is essentially emotional, irrational, and not justified by science. "It is the quality of the relationship that matters," O'Carroll insists. "If there's no bullying, no coercion, no abuse of power, if the child enters into the relationship voluntarily ... the evidence shows there need be no harm."

The Bottom Line: In the mid-1990s, the late Joseph P. Overton, proposed the "Overton Window" which describes a "window" in the range of public reactions to ideas in public discourse. All issues fall somewhere along this policy continuum, which can be roughly outlined as: Unthinkable, Radical, Acceptable, Sensible, Popular, Policy. When the window moves or expands, ideas can accordingly become more or less politically acceptable.

In the summer of 2011, I wrote an article for First Things explaining how the Overton model developed to explain adjustments in the political climate and later applied it to how pedophilia would be normalized. The first step---from Unthinkable to Radical---usually occurs when the topic of an academic symposium. We passed this stage several years ago.

The second step---from Radical to Acceptable---often requires the creation and employment of euphemism, such as referring to pedophiles as "minor-attracted persons", and connecting it to an issue that has already become acceptable, such as the acceptance of wide variety of sexual orientations. As Henley says in his article,

The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what [Sarah Goode, a senior lecturer at the University of Winchester] calls "the sexual liberation discourse", which has existed since the 1970s. "There are a lot of people," she says, "who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we're wrong about paedophilia."

We're still a long way from pedophilia reaching the "sensible," "popular," and "policy" stages. But we've already slid further down the slippery-slope of normalizing this crime than most Christians realize.
