Lenoir City High School
"Homecoming 2000"

Lenoir City High School
Homecoming Queen - 2000
Shelly Henline
MVC-477S.JPG (45010 bytes) MVC-474S.JPG (43013 bytes) MVC-487S.JPG (46925 bytes)

The Homecoming Court
Click on Picture for Larger View

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Jessica Chaney
MVC-442S.JPG (40993 bytes)
Darbie Dickert
MVC-443S.JPG (45946 bytes)
Ginger Freels
MVC-444S.JPG (36710 bytes)
Mandy Garner
MVC-445S.JPG (39997 bytes)
Shelly Henline
MVC-446S.JPG (39146 bytes)
Carrie Henry
MVC-447S.JPG (36838 bytes)
Emily Holder
MVC-448S.JPG (35888 bytes)
Brynn Sherer
MVC-449S.JPG (40649 bytes)
Brandy Stout
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Leea Troiano

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