Don't Vote For ...

A couple of lesser known elections on the August ballot are the Tennessee State Executive Committeeman 5th Senatorial District and the Tennessee State Executive Committeewoman 5th Senatorial District.

These two positions are republican party member positions. Normally, nobody knows or cares about these races but the two incumbents have made it imperative that they not be re-elected. Currently, Scott Smith, is the incumbent Committeeman and Amy Jones is the incumbent Committeewoman. These two were instrumental in causing some havoc in the May election. They were the ones who considered kicking several candidates off the ballot and ultimately did kick Court Clerk candidate, Amy Langley off of the ballot. They were also big supporters of the republican extortion fee every candidate was forced to pay to be allowed to run for office.

Just because the way they treated Loudon County in the last election is reason enough not to vote for either one of them. Tim Hutchison is running against Scott Smith and Terry Frank is running against Amy Jones.

Vote for Tim Hutchison and Terry Frank to replace the incumbents.
