Crazy Times

As much filth and trash as there is on television now days, with no warnings of what you and your kids might be exposed to, it's comforting to know that there are a few shows with warnings. Above is one of those warnings.

It's not about sex, nudity, violence or even bad language. No, this is the warning that comes on before Gunsmoke on one of the stations. According to the warning, "This program contains outdated cultural depictions. Viewer discretion is advised."

Gunsmoke ran from 1955-1975. Guess I've seen every episode several times. Over the twenty years and 635 episodes, there was never one cuss word, no sexual situations and certainly no nudity. Yet it needs a viewer warning? Apparently, the warning is due to white cowboys killing Indians in the old west, which really happened. Talk about trying to rewrite history.

These are crazy times when a show like Gunsmoke needs a viewer warning but shows with no boundaries are fine for all ages.  
