The Cost Of Politics

There is a cost for being in politics and not just a political cost. Real dollar and cents cost. Most candidates have to lay out some cash to run for office. Signs, flyers and all kinds of campaign paraphernalia cost money. Some candidates spend more than others and all are required to report their contributions and expenditures to the election commission. Below are the reports of our local candidates for the period of July 29 2008 - September 30 2008.
For Mayor: Receipts Disbursements
Gary L. Aikens $290.00 $260.00
Matt Brookshire  $650.00 $3,074.00
Robert (Tooter) Robinette  $0.00 $0.00
Tony Aikens $425.00 $425.00
James Brandon  $505.00 $505.00
Bobby Johnson Sr.  $0.00 $0.00
Michel J. Long  (No Report)    
Donald Pace $700.00 $700.00
Eddie Simpson $0.00 $2,657.00
Jon Waliga  $800.00 $0.00
Alan Williams  (No Report)    
 School Board    
Rick Chadwick $0.00 $578.00
Mitch Ledbetter $0.00 $0.00
Glen Mcnish $650.00 $882.00
Steve Shoemaker $0.00 $0.00
Bobby Johnson Jr.  $0.00 $0.00