Contract Awarded

The first contract has been awarded to begin the process of restoring the old courthouse. See letter below from purchasing director, Susan Huskey to commission.

This is an exciting first step. Hopefully construction will begin in the not too distant future.

Good Morning All,

Request for Qualifications were solicited for architectural services for restoration of the Courthouse.  I received responses from the following firms:

·McCarty Holsaple

·DK Levy Architect & Design

·Barber McMurry

·Design Innovations & Architect



·Brewer, Ingram, Fuller Architects

Responses have been evaluated with attention given to the ability to deliver high quality design and construction principals with an emphasis on successful experience in historical restoration, renovation, and preservation  projects.  While all demonstrated various levels of experience, Brewer, Ingram, Fuller Architects demonstrated extensive and impressive experience in successful historical restoration and preservation and has been selected as the Architect for this project.  

I believe this firm is a “good fit” for this particular project and will be a good asset to our needs.  Their team will be onsite next week to review current conditions and begin plans for stabilization of the structure which is the most critical focus at this time.  A meeting to present their plan of action and discussion for developing an interior design plan and appearance will be scheduled in the coming weeks.  

Susan Huskey, CPPB

Director of Procurement

Loudon County Government
