BOE Rested And Ready To Go

After their much deserved and much earned mini vacation at tax payer's expense, hopefully the Loudon County Board Of Education, principals and entourage  will be rested and ready to address the problems facing the Loudon County system. According to board members, they need millions of dollars to solve their problems. And why shouldn't they be entitled to more money? Haven't they been using the money they have responsibly? After all just because children in some of our schools don't have heat, books, or other essentials, that's no reason the BOE shouldn't load up and head to Gatlinburg for a three day two night retreat.

While there resting, shopping and dining there will be meetings going on. Actually, very important discussions will take place. For what ever their reasoning, they have chosen to be out of the county when they address a number of very important matters. See agenda below.

Loudon County Board of Education

Board Retreat - 2008


 FRIDAY, February 8, 2007

 8:00 A.M.  –  8:10 A.M.                Opening Comments – Chairman & Director

 8:10 A.M.  –  8:30 A.M.                Special School District legislation – Nancy Paule

 8:30 A.M.  -  9:15 A.M.                Budget items – Bennie Sims & staff

 9:15 A.M.  -  9:35 A.M.                SFM requirements – Gil Luttrell & Edward Headlee

 9:35 A.M.  – 10:00 A.M.               Construction Management – Dave Hemelright

10:00 A.M. – 10:15 A.M.                Break

10:15 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.                Principals’ updates & reports

12:00 P.M. -  12:45 P.M.               Lunch

12:45 P.M.  -  1:10 P.M.                 GCA services (discussion with principals)

 1:10 P.M.  -   1:30 P.M.                 Corporal punishment (discussion with principals)

 1:30 P.M.  -  2:00 P.M.                 Individual school testing results – Freddie Gene Walker

 2:00 P.M.  -  2:30 P.M.                Individual school operating costs – Bill Marcus

 2:30 P.M.  -  2:45 P.M.                Break

 2:45 P.M.  -  3:00 P.M.                Complaint procedures for adults – Freddie Gene Walker

 3:00 P.M.  -  4:00 P.M.                Open Forum – discuss today’s topics

 4:00 P.M. -          ?                     (Dinner on your own)

 SATURDAY, February 9, 2007

 8:00 A.M. –  9:30 A.M.                Director Search – Mr. Wayne Qualls

 9:30 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.               Administrative updates

10:30 A.M. – 10:45 A.M.               Break

10:45 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.                Middle school football program – Scott Newman

11:00 A.M. – 11:10 A.M.                 Workshop prior to Board meetings – Bobby Johnson, Jr.

11:10 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.                 Business manager position – Edward Headlee             

11:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.                Evaluation tool for new director – Edward Headlee

12:00 P.M.  - 12:45 P.M.               Lunch

12:45 P.M.  -   2:15 P.M.               Board ethics – Duties of the Board – June Klinstiver

  2:15 P.M.  -   3:00 P.M.               Discussion by Board

  3:00 P.M. -                              Adjourn – Please drive home safely!  (See you next Thursday at the meeting)

It is almost unimaginable that the BOE would elect at this time to to add the cost of a tax payer funded junket to their already long list of irresponsible decisions, but they did. I would imagine someone will be able to find out just how much tax money was thrown away for the trip. Can anybody explain why they needed to go out of county to discuss county matters?

