BOE Building Plan Vote Thursday

At the end of Monday's uncharacteristically short board of education meeting, the issue of the building plan was discussed. My self and other board members agreed that the issue has been discussed enough and it is time for to vote. It was agreed that a plan would be voted on at Thursday's board meeting.

The current phase one plan that seems to have support of most of the board members would include a new K-12 at Greenback.

A new 6-8 middle school in Loudon on property owned by the BOE beside Loudon High School.

Combine Loudon Elementary and Ft. Loudon Middle to become K-5. Build a central cafeteria and office that would tie the two schools together eliminating duplication of services.

New or expand cafeteria at Philadelphia Elementary.

Other plans have been discussed but the above plan seems to have the most support of the board.

The board will be meeting Thursday January 8th at 7:00 pm at the Court House Annex.
