Bicycle Resolution

If you've been visiting my website for very long, you probably already know what I think of bicycle riders clogging up Loudon County roadways and based on what I've heard from so many of you, I'm not alone. In most instances, the bicycle riders are out of Knox County but feel compelled to come down here to block our traffic and generally cause problems.

Some time ago, I spoke to the county attorney to find if the county commission could do anything about the bicycle riders. He said we could not but new laws weren't really necessary, there were already laws in place to address our problems but it be up to the sheriff to enforce the laws.

At our last commission workshop, I proposed we send a resolution to Sheriff Guider asking him to enforce the current laws to try to bring these bicycle riders under control. The commission seemed supportive of the idea especially representing the upper end of the county.

At the next county commission meeting the resolution below will be before the commission for a vote. Hopefully it will pass. But even at that it will still be up to the sheriff to enforce the laws.

If we don't do something about this problem, eventually we're not even going to be able to drive the roads on the upper end of the county.

Where as, Loudon County is one of the greatest places to live with an unequaled, high quality of life, and:
Where as, the Loudon County Commission is always interested in working to keep Loudon County a great place to live, and:
 Where as, the invasion of bicycle riders, mostly from outside Loudon County, is causing chaos, mayhem and considerable traffic problems on Loudon County roads, endangering both the bicycle riders and motor vehicle occupants with blatant disregard of traffic laws and regulations such as running stop signs and red lights, giving no turn signals and worst of all, impeding the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, and:
Where as, current state law, TCA 55-8-175, clearly lays out rules of the road for bicycle riders and TCA 55-8-172 clearly states that Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles and any violation of this law is a Class C misdemeanor, and:
Now therefore be it resolved, the Loudon County Commission suggests, requests, supports and pleads for Loudon County Sheriff, Tim Guider, to instruct his deputies to immediately begin enforcing existing state laws pertaining to bicycle riders on Loudon County roadways and the writing of citations to the bicycle riders who violate these laws especially TCA-55-8-175(b)(1) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two (2) abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Persons riding two (2) abreast shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane. The definition of impede being; "to delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; To hinder" and bicycle riders shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway with few exceptions.
Our hope is that enforcement of existing state laws will discourage bicycle riders from riding their bicycles on Loudon County roads that are far too narrow, winding and dangerous and will improve the safety and welfare of the traveling public on Loudon County roadways.
