5 Candidates

At Monday's county commission workshop meeting, 5 candidates came forward to be considered to fill the vacancy in the General Sessions/Circuit Court clerk position left with Lisa Niles resignation.

Lisa Bridges, Penny Glasgow, Judy Hines, Steve Harrelson and Laura Standridge all briefly addressed commissioners asking to be considered for the position.

Lisa Bridges, Penny Glasgow, and Laura Standridge all currently work in the clerk's office under Ms. Niles. Judy Hines is a former employee of the office. Former county commissioner, Steve Harrelson, is the only outsider to apply thus far. Other candidates could submit their names for consideration for the  job between now and the commission meeting on December 3rd or even on the night of the meeting.

Commissioners will take up the matter at their December 3rd commission meeting. While nominations may be made to commissioners from the public the night of the meeting, official nominations can only be made by a commissioner. Each commissioner may make only one nomination. After nominations cease, commissioners will vote for each nomination by name. The nomination that receives a majority, 6 or more votes will be appointed to fill the position. If after the first round of voting no candidate receives a majority vote,  the candidate who receives the lowest number of votes will be dropped from the ballot and a second vote will be taken. This process will continue until one candidate receives a majority vote.

The winning candidate will take office immediately, December 4th, after being administered the appropriate oaths of office. This will leave only a one day vacancy in the office.

This appointment is only temporary. The appointment is only good till the next county, general election which will be August of 2020. However, the winning candidate will have to run in the March 2020 county primary election which is just about fifteen months away. That means the appointee will be running for election in less than a year.

Good luck to all the candidates.     
