180 More?

At last week's Lenoir City Planning Commission meeting, Stefan Claar, Director of Land Development for Turner Homes, had requested to rezone approximately 65 acres of land surrounding the Lenoir City sports complex to R-3 high density residential. The R-3 zone allows up to 24 residential units per acre. Mr. Claar stated they were looking to build 180 residential units on the property. He did not specify if it would be single family or rental properties. The entrance to the development would be in the area of the intersection of Old Hwy. 95, Rocks Springs Road and the entrance to the sports complex.

The planning commission postponed any decision on the rezone till their July meeting to get more information on the project and the traffic impact.

Turner Homes is the same developer responsible for the Harper Village mess just off Williams Ferry Road and Hwy. 321.
